A View From Lake Plansee
A View From Lake Plansee
Augustiner Biergarten
We arrived in Munich, tired but ready for the trip ahead.
A most amazing dinner of potato dumpling, roast pork, and a huge stein of beer.
Let the fun begin! Johanna enjoys a glass of wine in SFO's lounge.
I’m hardly an expert when it comes to Germany, but I definitely have a great appreciation for the geography, the food, the culture, and, of course, the cars. So when it comes to seeing as much of Germany as possible, we’ve got a kick ass plan in place. For 17 days we are going to galavant across Deutschland. From the heart of Bavaria, to the slopes of the Alps, to the banks of the Rhine, to the northern coasts and everywhere in between.
Read MoreJohanna is my wonderful fiancée. We’ve been together just over three years and will be tying the knot next April. She has been one of the greatest influences in my life and there’s not a day that goes by that I’m not thankful for her. I’m exceedingly happy and truly lucky to get to share this upcoming trip with her.
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