New Beginnings
Today I am pleased to announce that I will be joining Black Pixel later this month in a new director-level position and as a partner. Black Pixel is one of the foremost iOS and OS X app consulting firms in the industry, and I am excited for the opportunity to help lead their development and consulting efforts alongside a skilled management team.
For the past seven years I have worked in Apple's Worldwide Developer Relations team helping OS X and iOS developers build the best apps in the world. Working closely with many of you in the developer community has been the highlight of my career. I have loved every minute of helping to answer your technical questions, providing technical, business, or design guidance, planning and visiting with so many of you at WWDC, traveling around the world to share the Tech Talks with you, fielding bug reports, or just being someone at Apple for you to talk to. You have challenged me, helped me grow, amazed me, and inspired me. The iOS and OS X developer community is one of the best in the world. I am very lucky to have had the opportunity to work with all of you and I am excited to join your ranks.
Leaving Apple is also bittersweet. I have wanted to work at Apple from the first moment I fired up the Apple IIGS in the study of my childhood home. Throughout my years in school I was the ardent Apple supporter and evangelist among my friends. Through the dark times in the 90's, I worried that I might not get the opportunity to work at the one place I knew saw technology differently. And in the summer of 2005 I stepped onto Infinite Loop for what was the happiest day of my life to that point.
Being at Apple has been so much more challenging, so much more thrilling, so much more rewarding than I would have ever thought, and I have cherished every moment of it.
To my colleagues at Apple, I hope you share my pride in all that we have built. Apple is the greatest company in the world because of all of you. The culture at Apple owes itself to the people and the values each of you have helped solidify — The wisdom to care about what really matters, the courage to always forge ahead, and the patience to do things right. Your work has touched countless lives and changed how the world works. I look forward to whatever comes next. You are all truly remarkable.
I look forward to the challenges ahead and to my new place in the developer community. Thank you for everything. I'm sure the best is yet to come for all of us.
Stay hungry. Stay foolish.